Employee-Owned Concept

When a company is structured around employee ownership, the objective is to give employees a voice in the decision-making processes and allow them to share in the business's financial success. This ownership structure aims to align the interests of the employees with those of the company, fostering a sense of shared responsibility, commitment, support, and genuine company pride. 

Proudly employee-owned since 2012, Peerless Electronics empowers all employees to take a vested interest in executing the company’s mission to provide quality products backed by superior customer and value-added services. 

What is an Employee-Owned Company?

When a company is employee-owned, the employees collectively hold a portion of the company's shares or have membership in a cooperative organization that owns and operates the business.

The primary objective of an employee-owned company is to give employees a voice in the decision-making processes and allow them to share in the business's financial success. This ownership structure aims to align the interests of the employees with those of the company, fostering a sense of shared responsibility and commitment. Employee ownership can vary in scope and implementation, but the underlying principle is to empower employees and nurture a more participatory and inclusive workplace.

Employee-Owned Company Benefits

When a company is employee-owned, everyone has a stake in the company’s future. This structure fosters pride in customer service and product quality - and a vested interest in the company’s success at all levels of business.  A few of the key benefits derived from an employee-owned structure include:

  • Shared financial reward for all.
  • Improved employee recruitment and retention.
  • Increased employee motivation and productivity.
  • A focus on long-term success rather than short-term goals.
  • Greater stability and resilience, especially during economic downturns.

As an employee-owned company, when you trust Peerless Electronics with your business, you're supporting real people and our families with a vested interest in your success!